how to write SEO friendly blog posts? How to bring organic traffics to blog

How to write SEO friendly blog posts || How to bring organic traffics to blog

Bringing organic traffic is not easy, but if you keep an eye on certain points while writing articles, then your article can be shown on Google's first page. Today I will tell you this article about how you write SEO Friendly Article. That can help you get organic traffic.

You do not have to write articles just for the reader. I also have to understand the way the search engine shows that the search engine will show you your search.

Tips for writing SEO friendly article

Original content

Blogs do not matter how many articles you have written, but it matters a lot that you have copied the article that is written original and unique. The search engine will not show any search engine that is copied.
Some bloggers are very smart, they are copied from the whole article, and after that, I give the link from the website from which I have copied. If you are thinking that by doing so, your article becomes unique and original, then you are absolutely wrong.
How to check that what you wrote is unique? - I have a simple solution for this, with the help of which you can find out how much your article is copied and how many changes can I make in that article so that it becomes completely original. Plagiarism checker and website. I have to paste my article. This website will tell you all the details about how much copy is and how unique is your article.

Title And Meta Description

Suppose your post is the page I come back to Search Engine but the Title and Meta Description If you did not correct it because it will not have an article open. To write an SEO Friendly article, you must give a correct Title and Meta description.
Focus keywords should be Title I before, so the search result increases the chances of coming forward. You have to type the title less than 65 characters I have to write more than the character of it, then they do not show well. Now you tell me I'm about Meta Description come here will give you the first paragraph of Article Focus keywords I write these would be great for SEO.

Internal Linking

It is very easy that you only have to give links to an old article which is related to this article. By doing so you will have two advantages: One will become SEO Friendly Article and the second will reduce the Bounce rate of your blog. The best example of internal linking is Wikipedia. You might have also seen Wikipedia that they have given an internal link on every word that I have required of every article.

Article Structure

Now you have to keep a little bit of attention that will make you more profitable. But here we have told you some points.

Article I must be at least 500 words.
Focus keywords should be written to H2 and H3 2-3 times.
Make the Word bold.
Use the outbound link
If you implement all of the above points, you can easily write SEO Friendly Articles. It is very easy to implement all these points. If you write two-three articles in this way then you will not even need to see these points.


If you wrote all the above-mentioned articles, I wrote an article, but if you did not use the optimized image of that article then your blog's page load speed will decrease and due to that image, the user started the page before it was opened. will go. Here are some points that you should use the image.
Do not use a copyrighted image.
Name the image file as the title of your article.
Keep the image as important as you need it.


The only thing that comes out of all the above is that you should just write a unique article and pay attention to small things such as Title, Meta Description, Internal Linking, and images. If you keep all these points in mind Very good for the article.
I think you can now easily write SEO Friendly Article. If you have a problem with Koya then surely I will give you Possible Solution. You can also share this information with your friends.

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